
Best of 2009 Challenge - Day 1

I've recently discovered a few blogs that I absolutely adore for the motivation & positivity they inspire. One of them is by Gwen Bell, and she's got this awesome Best of 2009 Challenge going for the month of December. There's a great prompt for each day, all you've gotta do to join in is post. Whenever you choose, via blog, Twitter, etc. Sounded like lots of fun to play along, so I'll try post each day if I can. (Hey, it's even inspiring me to check out what this whole Twitter thing is about anyways.)

December 1 - What was your best trip of 2009?

Without a doubt, girl's weekend in Arizona in the middle of July. I know, a hot place in the middle of summer? But hey I like the heat, not to mention the excuse to wear very short shorts. And, it was stunningly gorgeous in Sedona where we stayed. Who knew rocks could be so awe-inspiring?

We also took a day-trip over to the Grand Canyon. All I can say is, no picture could ever do it justice. Wow. I couldn't stop staring. I have no idea how some people can hike all the way down to the bottom - let along hike back up! - it's so vast. I would have walked all around the rim trails - the ones safely at the top - if it had been up to me (due to some health issues with other ladies in our group, we took the shuttles around.)

But aside from the beauty of nature, what stood out the most for me was the energy. I'm not known for being an energetic person. For some reason, I felt more alive & energetic there than I can remember feeling in a long time. I just wanted to go, and keep going, and do and see more.

I love that feeling!

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